
I just finished watching Oprah’s interview with JK Rowling. She said, at the very end, that there was a girl who stopped her on the street and told her, “You are my childhood."


Well, Ms. Rowling, all i can say is, she’s not alone in her sentiments.


I am in the verge of tears, not to be dramatic, because i can feel the end of a phase in my life coming all too soon.


Dear Jo,


It has been a fun ride. I must admit I had no interest to hop on the first time i heard about it. But I believe that picking up your book has been one of the most important decisions i’ve made in my whole life. You provided me with the escape i was so desperate to have. You made it possible for me to believe. You showed me how to find my voice and use it.


There are so many things I wish to thank you for. And putting them all down here, right now, seems careless. If I could meet you, and have a conversation with you, I would most likely freeze in my seat and be a nervous wreck the first few minutes but I know that it will not take long before you make me feel like I can talk to you about anything.


It’s not just Harry Potter. It’s your life that i am amazed at. How you pulled through such obstacles and triumphed over it all. I, too, have similar obstacles and my heart’s greatest desire is to inspire others as you have inspired millions. Dare I say how similar we are? Because I don’t wish to sound presumptuous  and think I will create something similar to what you have. But that is my wish.


Thank you, Jo. You have saved me with what you’ve given me. My escape, into your world, opened me to live the real world. As tough as it may seem at times, your world prepared me for what is out here. And that’s what’s beautiful, i think. People would tell me how big of a dreamer I am. But you are right, to do something, you have to believe it first. And because of that, I know I wont be stuck in one place without fulfilling my dreams.


Thank you.

And i have every intention now of writing more about this. I want to read her Harvard speech first.


And maybe try and get some sleep.


© Maia Vida, October 2nd, 2010

One response to “Jo

  1. Not everybody can relate to our shared passion with Jo’s creation. She did inspired me too and taught me once again how reading can enrich my life.
    I’ve been doing HP moviethon and reading the HP7 once again. I too can feel that my childhood is slowly escaping my hand. HP is not just an ordinary franchise. It is my and will always be my childhood kingdom. The kingdom where nobody dies. 🙂

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