Teenage Dreams


This morning was funny. I was half awake, making myself a “grilled” cheese sandwich, and i remembered something that happened a bajillion years ago.


I dont even remember now if i had a weird dream about Howard Dwaine Wright Dorough (yeah, bring on the banter!!!) but i must’ve had some subconscious relapse of some sort to have remembered this one really amazing night when i was 13 or 14.


I really dont remember if it was freshman year in HS or 7th grade. But, it was at that year when i had just almost given up on this long-ass fanfiction series that i was writing for my friends.


**major cheese alert warning. dont say you weren’t warned.**


in 7th grade, i wrote a series of fanfiction about The Moffatt brothers and Gil Ofarim with characters I created based on my friends and certain real events that happened when my classmate met the Moffatt boys personally.

I went to a concert, on a whim, with two of my friends. I say it was on a whim, but really, I had time to make an “artful” drawing of Gil Ofarim with a dirty (and probably non-coherent) German translation of The Moffatts’ song, Written All Over my Heart. It was on one of those illustration boards, you know, those cheesy ones teenyboppers would make for their boyband crushes. yeah, i made one of those. Schriftlich Ganz Uber Mein Herz. I had my little yellow (probably outdated) English-German dictionary and I translated the lyrics painfully. But of course, during that time, i KNEW i was doing it out of love and devotion to this beautiful blue-eyed boy.

So we went, and he was there, and it was a very intimate concert hall. My friend had let me borrow one of her platform ankle-high lace-up boots (Remember, this was also during the height of the Spice Girls’ career so platform boots were the best thing ever) so it gave it about a few inches above the rest of the audience.

And so he did this thing, he did a couple of his old songs. And then he played something I heard about two nights ago thru this radio show interview he did.

“Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends.
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,
So Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a color TV ?
Dialing For Dollars is trying to find me.
I wait for delivery each day until three,
So oh Lord, won’t you buy me a color TV ?”


What do you know, the magic of Bing. All these years i thought he made up that song on his own and i find out just now that this is Janis Joplin.


Anyway, so he started the song, right? And here i was, getting in the moment and started singing along, thinking everyone was gonna do the same. But no! I was the only one singing. And i was singing at the very top of my lungs. and i was about 2-3-4 people away from him and he looked straight at me. No, No. I was not imagining it. He WAS looking at me. And my friend saw, and a couple other girls saw, and then… HE WINKED AND POINTED AT ME. Yes, people, i am not making this up. For that fleeting moment, i was in heaven. Staring at his baby blue eyes, for a moment, he saw me. And I was that awkward 13 year old girl with big brown deer eyes which i swore had tears in them too. Oh, man, was i in love.


Check out that last paragraph, how extremely elementary the writing pattern is. Unnecessary caps lock and all :) 


So i have this video of how i started crushing on this hunksicle. Check out 1:58 when it turns into a class portrait (or family, whichever suits you) of some sorts.



Then there’s this video, a couple years and a lot of inches of hair shed after, which i have seen a while ago but i’ve never shared on any of my other blogs.



Crushes will always be crushes, but this guy holds a special place in my heart just because for one fleeting moment, we shared an amusing experience. Oh, of course i know that he never even remembers that instance. But it’s still a happy thought, isnt it?




dark staircases and empty bathroom stalls

guitar riffs and that steady bass drum

screaming prepubescent girls


your sky blue eyes drown everything.


and i made you smile.




© Maia Vida : September 8, 2010